Selasa, 5 Februari 2013

Arts Students Still In Demand :)

Bismillahirahmanirahim  . .

In fact , many of us bemoaning because confused about choosing a career . We feel that the world is only for the science students and the arts students are left with the leftovers. How wrong can u be ! The world of medicine , dentistry , scientific research , pharmacy , psychiatry have always attracted scores of students because of the accolades given to holders of Dr, Ir and Mr. However , do u know know that there are Drs and Professors in the Arts arena and there are many who do not have any titles before their names who have millions before their thirties ? An accountant , a financial planner , an investor and hotelier are not pure science students . The are arts students . It does not take IQ to reach the top of your career ladder , it takes EQ too . A combination of the right IQ and EQ would be the catalyst to reach the stars . A person who learn languages , who has a flair for languages and who can articulate and express himself well is better off . He can communicate and intelligently and Atrs students are comparatively better in this aspect . An event organiser or hotelier  deals with the people, with their needs and their requirements . Being able to understand their needs and their requests come from understanding people . Thus , communicating effectively leads to efficiency and success .  Boys and girls believe me , there is a future for Arts students as there is a future for science students . Take where your heart leads u :'> . . its up on own desicion . . .hopefully there is no more regrets and no more low selfesteem . You are Arts students and be proud u are !

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